Tuesday, October 20, 2009

weekend warrior

The weather has been beautiful in Baton Rouge this past week. Saturday, Scott and I thought it would be nice to have a change of scenery for our usual run. When we lived in Southdowns, the LSU lakes were right around the corner -- so they were an every week place to go exercise.

The thing is, it's been a long time since I've run as many as four miles... at least five years. Scott and I run about 2 miles at a time, and pretty easily, but still, four?

We ran the entire "big" lake (4 miles) Saturday afternoon. It was exhilarating to find that we could do it! The rest of the evening Saturday we were both feeling great. At some point, I decided it would be a good idea to do it again Sunday, and Scott agreed! We were going to do it again!

Sunday morning we ate brunch at Kingfish and went on our run around 3. At the beginning of the run, I noticed my muscles were still tired from Saturday's run. A mile or so in, I realized that brunch wasn't the best idea. About three miles in, I realized my underpronating was causing some pain in my left foot. I guess I thought it would go away... and when it didn't, there wasn't much I could do about it anyway! We finished the four miles at only 2 miles slower than the day before. The second run was much harder, but I was so proud of myself for being able to do it!

It looks like it may be a while until I am able to run again. I am hobbling around on a mildly sprained left ankle. Fortunately I am able to wear flats to work! Unfortunately, I still have to walk around school all day to see my clients. Tonight I'm skipping our Tuesday night boot camp class at the YMCA... hopefully tomorrow we'll be at the lakes again!

Monday, October 12, 2009

recent happenings

This week was the best and worst week I've had for quite some time. The work week was long and exhausting, and I agreed to administer the GRE on Saturday morning at 7:15. 7:15am after a long week?! What was I thinking when I agreed to that?!

Fortunately, I had a fun weekend to balance out the exhausting week. Scott and I decided to stay on campus Saturday morning after the test. We ate at Inga's and then went to Tiger District to buy some shirts for the gold game. We didn't get tickets for the game -- it's difficult to convince someone to give you tickets to the LSU vs. Florida game -- but we had a good time hanging out on campus until the AT&T party on the terrace of the journalism building.

After getting our VIP passes and enjoying some of the delicious catering from Cef Don Bergeron (who also happens to be a client of Scott's, as we found out that day), we ran into James Carville and snapped a few pictures.

It is likely that I was the only non-important person that was photographed with him on this day. Everyone else looked pretty important and the photos were taken by a professional photographer with the "handshake" (you know, the slow handshake with the smile at the camera... perfect photo op?). I snuck in and just told him I wasn't very important but was a big fan, and he graciously took a photo with me.

The view from the terrace was wonderful -- we were in between the stadium and the PMAC. I didn't enjoy too much of the view, though, as I was more interested in sitting in a chair at a table for the first time throughout the tailgating process :) The food and open bar treated us well, and we enjoyed watching the sea of gold gathering around the stadium as our city prepared for the football players to come through.

I know in my lifetime I've seen this before, but we had a really great view of the players in their suits walking down to the stadium. We were surrounded by LSU foundation donors, Exxon lobbyists, and many other people who traveled hundreds of miles to attend this party on the terrace and watch LSU play Florida in Tiger Stadium. It was a great time!!

Eventually, the ticket holders were separated from the non-ticket holders, and I took one photo with Kimberly before she and her husband went to their club seats in the stadium. We're hoping to attend a Saints game in the AT&T suite next month.

We had the opportunity to visit with my oldest friend Camila and her wonderful family on Sunday morning. Camila and Michael recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Mason Wiltcher. This was my first time to see Mason and he is just perfect. I would have snapped a photo with Camila, but she was very tired and I didn't want to make her self-conscious by playing paparazzi! (Although it would have come out beautifully, I am sure!) We'll have to make sure to take one next time... don't know when it will be, but hoping it's not too long!!!!